Kids make me feel wonderfully out of my depth; I’d have less responsibility if I had purchased an alligator on Amazon instead. This is the first of my raised by deer series, so stick around it you want to see more.

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It's Please be aware of your natural environment, and act accordingly to protect it. To thank you, here are some wonderful images from our archive.

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The hashtags that predicted the future
Pic shows a Laughing Dove outside in Khartoum
📷 zee zahnur

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Latest squeaker pigeon. Was going round all the adults begging for food when s/he first arrived last weekend, but soon got the hang of things and is doing well.

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Jeannie first appeared 4 weeks ago, still sporting quite a lot of her baby feathers and was tiny! I think she maybe left the nest a wee bit soon. She came again the next day but then no sign of her the next two. I really feared the worst.

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Pigeons galore! It gets a bit out of hand at times but I love them.

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A few of my handsome pigeon friend, George.

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Juvenile jackdaw. That face!

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MT Paul Murphy .. keeping a watchful eye on me this morning

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Exciting times... Please retweet! (How many RTs can we get?)

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