Counterfeit Cat is an animated television series developed by Aardman Animations, Cristina Fiumara, and Ben Marsaud. The series is produced by Wildseed Kids, Tricon Kids & Family, and Aardman Animations, in association with Teletoon, with the participation of Disney XD, and with

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British broadcaster Sky Kids has ordered a second season of coming-of-age comedy The 2D-animated series is co-produced by Bristol-based Wildseed Studios with India’s Toonz Media Group, Ireland’s Telegael and Birkdale Film and Television in the UK.

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Love to see ABLA books on the Indie Bestseller List! Congrats to ALLERGIC / on the MG list, MERMAID THE WITCH AND THE SEA / on the YA list -- and a special shout-out to WILDSEED WITCH by ! 💙🌟🌺

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And Happy Book Birthday to more MG new releases!

THE FIRST CAT IN SPACE ATE PIZZA by Mac Barnett & illus. by Shawn Harris

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3 Days to Launch

What a gift to have say such kind words about Wildseed Witch. 🌸❤️🌸

“Readers will cheer Hasani, vibrant as a morning glory, as she embarks on a quest to own her magic and to find friendship, family, and forgiveness.”
—Rajani LaRocca

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Hello !! I'm Lauren Brown, Art Director at Wildseed Games, formerly Assoc. Art Director at Zynga and Art Lead at EA! I'm an illustrator and concept artist with a love of Black women in nature and nouveau 🖤🖤

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Day 2: Visiting Their Covenant

After a blissful few centuries of married life in Millstone, Intamin and Sooty are ushered off to Ardenweald by their cat-sìth, Kerfuffle. They go on to tend a small grove of problem wildseeds the sylvari can't otherwise care for.

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''Courage, young one. Hope is never lost.''
Ysera looking after a wildseed in Ardenweald💖

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WIP! Ysera waking in a wildseed cradle in Ardenweald. 🍃Excited to finish this!

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like all the little wildseeds you can find nestled into roots and boughs around the settlements!

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Doing a thread to show the Shadowlands mounts I've collected so far & will keep updating as I collect more!

Shimmermist runner -- Dreamlight runestag
Arboreal gulper -- Wildseed cradle

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"Hello Mortal where should we go next?" Niya looks softly at you, you are walking the wildseed while she plays music next to you on her harp. the melody resonates in your heart as you make eye contact, you feel your heart skip a beat

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been talking about how amazing the Wildseed Cradle will be for Highborne RP goblin looks very at home 👀

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Each Wildseed will take 24 hours to 'mature', at which point you can click on them to Rebirth a spirit. Once they are Rebirthed, click on them for their dialogue box. When they finish speaking, you'll get your Queen's Conservatory Cache.

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Backgrounds from Counterfeit Cat by (2016, Wildseed Kids/Atomic Cartoons/ Aardman Animations) :

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