I skipped last year and the year before that but I'm back now and witch!me is cold and tired

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Often when comes around my schedule is packed and I don't have the time to participate, but I realised that I have unintentionally managed to redesign my witchsona every 3 years, so they make a pretty cool look-back through my artistic progress!

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here’s a very late witchsona for She’s a sleepy witch who studies dream n sleep magic n naps a lot ✨💤

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3, a spell to be strong 💗I'm very thankful for my lil circle of people that helps give me strength.

Also decided my fiancé is a cat wizard with a cute soft hoodie. 🥺

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Witchsona! The constellation cloak is kind of like a "cape-of-holding", the inner lining of it could hold anything and everything!

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In need of a spell to remember! 🧙‍♀️✨
So this color pallette is absolutely not my usual choice... but here I am experimenting haha for the

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i'm still not back on my game just yet, unfortunately

but i had to at LEAST make a SKETCH for

hopefully i'll have time to make a full doodle before the weekend ends--

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A potion to rest!! 🧙‍♀️🌟I lost 2 days but it's ok I really loved how this turned out! 💖

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day 2, a spell to find

Am I the only one constantly forgetting my phone under blankets and between cushions?

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Witchsona Week is here! Alas, even if I had witchy powers, I can't see myself doing much in January. Winter is a time to hide under blankets, read your heart out, and recharge whatever magic is sputtering within you.

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5 years of
2019 - Medicine witch 💊
2020 - Tea witch ☕️

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5 years of
2016 - Nature witch 🌿
2017 - Sewing witch ✂️
2018 - Bubbles witch 💦

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It’s babyyyyyy
This is my first year making one and it was super fun

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Day 1: a spell to HEAL ❤️👩🏼‍⚕️ First two things that came to mind: colors of the Red Cross foundation and a plague doctor. Wear you mask and disinfect!! 😷

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Witchsona time again// Mine still makes salt crystals out of her tears and other salty water/

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is here! My witchsona is a potion master~🧙‍♀️ So here she's doing a potion for heatlh 💖 And unlike me she's not afraid of bugs (and wears glasses)

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day 1: a spell to heal

It felt kinda corny starting out, but positive affirmations have actually been pretty helpful for me. 💖 Also my witchsona this year is cat themed~~ full art... sometime... 😜

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