And it's my

I've loved these gals! I wish I'd had time for all 28 witchies but I'm looking forward to the next 2 months of challenges! (both art & life)

Can't wait for the next


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Next up for Week 4 - The Candy Witch!

I was going to draw some candies in her magic but I really like the idea of it being like pixie dust!
Anyone else love those tubes full of sugar? 😂


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Back to & starting off Week 4 - The Doll Witch!

This is totally my peak aesthetic - a pastel harlequin with navy & maroon accents.
You're welcome 😂


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Week 3 - The Mountain

I can't believe September is almost over! This month has floooown by, it's crazy! I'm still waiting for the actual fall weather to start... 🍁


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No. 17 - The Forest Witch!

It's been a busy few days (slash weeks...) at work so I'm a bit behind still but it's okay! I'm sure I'll find some time 👍


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Next up for Week 3 - The Arctic

I first thought I would go more of a fantasy route with these witches, but I'm having a lot of fun making them all more modern!

Do you have a favorite do far? 💞


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Week 3 starts with - The Tropical Witch!

She's just a cutie w some sunshine magic.
..When she's happy. When she's sad there's rain. When she's angry...
You don't wanna know 😂


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Last of Week 2 - The Artist Witch!

This one was a bit of a struggle but it's only fitting (seeing as it's the artist and all).

I still think she's a cutie tho 🎨✌️


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No. 13 - The Ringleader Witch!

I'm still a day behind, so I have one more day of week 2 and then I'll be caught up! Occupations has been a fun week for sure! 💞


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No. 12 - The "Athlete Witch"! 🏆

I had a lot of fun with this one! Yes her magic is missing a few sports but these are all sports I stuck to those.

Hope you like her! 💕


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No. 11 - The "Chef Witch"!

Frying pans are truly magical objects and I will never be convinced otherwise. 🍳


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No. 10 - The "Ballerina Witch"!

I struggled a lot with this pose at first, but honestly I'm over it now because I'm so proud of this coloring!
Yaaay little victories 💕


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Next up for Week 2 - "Student"!

I got a bit down on my art a few days ago, so I took a day offfell a teensy bit behind. But I should be back on track tomorrow! ✌️

Hope you like her! 💕


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No. 7 - "1990s"!

Meet the Besides technopathy she also has the totally rad ability to enter games!

{Plz just let me blue skadoo into everything I love} 😂


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No. 6 - "Renaissance"!

I adore Renaissance fashion so I was really excited for this! I chose to give her more traditional magic (like an og witch)
Hope you like her! 💕


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No. 5 - "1950's"!

This is the Soda Pop witch! 🥤
Her magic might not be super useful, but it defs makes her part time job (& root beer float addiction) easier✌️


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No. 4 - "1980's"!

Full windbreaker suits are an often overlooked 80s fashion disaster and I love them and omg they're so fun to draw it's ridiculous 😂


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Another - the 1800's!

I love the idea of a Saloon Witch whose magic controls money. She'd have the most lucrative (for her) gamblin' establishment in the west!♦️♥️


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Next up for - the 60's!

This girl is actually inspired by one of my first 's - a mod girl named Georgy. I've definitely got to dust her off sometime soon. 💕


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First art of
It's decades week and I'm starting off with the 1920's!

I know most people think of flappers but I just love this cute lil newsgal. She's gotta sell them papes, see? 📰💕


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