Designs based on ‘s wlw wangxian street racers au threadfic which got me in an immense chokehold lately

(Designs arent completely accurate to their description tho sjdhjs)

92 400

cw: cisswap/genderbend
i saw the Thing on instagram and i had to

6 33

u ever read that book "last night at the telegraph club"??
yeah i kinda had that on my mind while drawing wlw wangxian

9 45

Soooo,,, I did a thing-
I decided to have them wear each others' colours bc that's HOT OKAY-

20 80

since i missed here’s a redraw from like November lol

224 1199

yes last day and im not even fitting a prompt but letsgo


149 549


Day 6, "A little help" 🐰🦋🐰💕 I went with the title more than the actual prompts for this one but I just really wanted to draw wangxian with their little A-Yuan 🥺

1797 7393

wlw wangxian ||

Sorry it’s a bit late, but here’s my submission for day 3’s prompt of cottagecore

9 41

//cisswap wlw

My art for Day 4 dubcon/yiling matriarch/identity porn

Threadfic will be up soon!!

67 354

late af but here's one piece for Day 1 of 😩😩😩: Sharing a bed

1 12


For Day 2, Fantasy! I have a huge soft spot for Foxxian and Dragonji 🥺💕

332 1494

cw cisswap, genderbend

Day 2: SF/Fantasy - witchxian and witchji in these dresses i've wanted to draw for a while

17 96

Here is a last minute contribution for the "touch starved" prompt. Please imagine the pining and wwx whining "Lan Zhan! I should have worn hanfu like you, I can't reach the zipper by myself!" ... and then immediately regretting everything UwU

36 156

It’s not yet, but if you’re hungry for sapphic content check out my ficlets on AO3!
Links below!

Art by 🥰

23 81