"Natural darkness has conservation value in the same way as clean water, air and soil, and should be protected."

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My contribution for
World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD)
Dim the light for bird at night!
Attenua le luci di notte e salvi la vita di molti uccelli !

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1日1かやまさん 5月14日

英語表記は「World Migratory Bird Day:WMBD」。

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The Indigo Bunting, depicted by Mark Catesby in "The natural history of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama Islands" ( : https://t.co/MuCaopd79R) is on the decline.

How can you help? For has tips: https://t.co/XCLYEWtl0y

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The 2021 theme is an invitation to people everywhere to connect and reconnect with nature by actively listening to & watching birds


Join & in celebrating this Saturday, 8 May


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¿Sabes cómo se llama la ciencia que estudia a las aves? ¡Ornitología! ¿Y sabes por qué pueden volar tan alto? Se debe a la particularidad de su cuerpo. Sus huesos son huecos y livianos, lo que les permite planear por los aires sin caerse

3 7

Este fin de semana se celebra el que en 2020 se convoca bajo el lema "Las aves conectan nuestro mundo" https://t.co/HRE6wLJWtQ

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Tomorrow is World Migratory Bird Day. We hope you'll have the chance to enjoy birds near you - AND share your photos, videos, stories, and questions with us !

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World Migratory Bird Day is coming on 9 May - 50 billion migratory birds each year travel thousands of km stopping along the way at coastal as “refuelling stations” - if these wetlands disappear & degrade entire populations of birds are at risk

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This is great news for migratory birds! Two of the world's most successful bird education campaigns, World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD) and International Migratory Bird Day (IMBD), will be combined in 2018! 🐦 https://t.co/XKh9FZCoTX

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A Bar-Tailed Godwit travelled a whopping 7,145 miles, Alaska - New Zealand, in one go, now that's a migration

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