Shirou Ogami from BNA!

Decided to make a colored version uwu. What do you peeps think about BNA?

Also, his name is sooooo redundant 😋😋 like duh, White Wolf, we get it 🐺

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Razor pov: trying to smile on his birthday

Happy birthday wolfboii👁️👁️ raWr for u

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Who wants a belly rub owo?

My part of the art trade done, I drew this blue wolf boii again for y! Aand i gave him wings this time! So majestic, much wow owo!

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2 characters from my first manga "Life on the Talea: Yasmine's life". The orange head is Yasmine, she got a "little" upgrade, but it turned out cute af, and the male Wolfboii's name is Ryu, he is mute and got a lot of scars and so on I dont want to tell more spoilers

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