The Brave and the Bold 'Batman and Wonder Woman: Yesterday Never Dies' (1980 Conway/Aparo) 🦇

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Saw a post today with some nice feathers and it reminded me of a cool generation I had a few weeks ago. Is an expirement in weights. A beautiful woman::6 made of trippy feathers::8 I did add a style by linking different image for the paint effect.

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8 Actresses Who Could Play The Amazon Warrior If Gal Gadot Is Replaced In The

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While weights like "blonde woman::1" have an effect on the prominence of parts of an image, the order of the parts also matters. Weighted phrases at the beginning have higher prominence.

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Original artwork on eBay:

Second story in Double Feature by -- can be ordered on the publisher's website here:

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2-6) Wonder Woman: War of the Gods
조지 페레즈가 마지막으로 쓴 원더우먼 타이틀. 말그대로 신들끼리 전쟁하는 내용인데 신과 관련된 캐릭터가 대폭 불려나오다 보니 캡틴 마블과 블랙 아담도 등장함. 파워 오브 샤잠 이전에 나온 작품이라 둘의 관계가 많이 다르고 재밌음

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2-5) Wonder Woman: The Golden Age
1940-50년대의 원더우먼 코믹스. 당시 작가가 가부장제와 페미니즘 은유를 많이 넣어둬서 역사 공부 겸 읽는 것도 나쁘지 않음

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2. 메인 유니버스의 원더우먼 코믹스
2-1) Wonder Woman: Spirit of Truth
폴디니/알렉스로스 시리즈에 수록된 원더우먼 코믹스. 정발이 있으나 절판임. 책이 크고 그림이 예쁘니 종이로 보는 걸 추천. 원더우먼이 무얼 지향하는 영웅인지 알 수 있는 코믹스임.

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Woman Sings Woman: 01 이바다, 위험하거나 달콤하거나 'WSW'는 리드머의 김효진 필자가 기획하고 진행하는 여성 알앤비 아티스트 인터뷰 프로젝트입니다. 그 첫 번째, 이바다와 나눈 깊은 대화가 여기 있습니다.

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📜 8 comic/graphic novels to know me:

Mercy - Mirka Andolfo
Lady Killer - Joëlle Jones
Catwoman - Joëlle Jones
Harleen - Stjepan Sejic
Fine Print - Stjepan Sejic
Sunstone - Stjepan Sejic
Wonder Woman: Historia - Phil Jimenez

I'm short one. Do you have recommendations? 😊

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this is the original multiprompt.. I had to edit this to separate the couple.

man and woman:: standing guy, sitting girl:: a man standing looking at his phone, a woman sitting on ground outside a club::

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Flowered series minted so far on :

🟥 The Flowered Samurai : SOLD OUT
🟥 The Flowered Girl: 2 left
🟥 The Flowered Face: 1/1
🟥 The Flowered Woman: SOLD OUT
🟥 The Flowered Guy - Black S: 3 left
🟥 The Flowered Goddess: 1/1

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Re-work for the 1/1 Horsewoman: Death is complete. 💀

Now we focus on lines and clarity 🤝✍️

Stay tuned🔥

The last photo, is her sister War.

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But yeah.

Bat: designecentric
Woman: Bugabee

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Catwoman: Lonely City, with script, art, and lettering by Cliff Chiang. Here are Chiang’s variant covers.

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(girl:1.8), (woman:1.8), (man:1.8), (human being:1.8),

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X woman: no I'm an assassin and treasure hunter I guess I can reveal my face to you

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Wonder Woman:

-Wonder Woman By George Pérez
-Wonder Woman By Greg Rucka
-Wonder Woman By Gail Simone

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