Baa Baa Black Sheep have you any wool? Yes sir, yes sir, 3 bags full 🎶

1 for my Killabear, 1 for my Killabit & 1 for the little Killacub who lives down the lane 🎶🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🎶


3 37

do you think his shirt is made out of his hair/wool??? never really thought of it...

2 17

need a cow?? need some wool?? need to vanquish a demon with so obscure magic from 3000 years ago???

17 188

Any of you into Wolf Game and $WOOL?

0 28

Any of you fellow being looking at historic and innovative games like and $WOOL?

1 9

Any of you being exploring and $WOOL?

2 4

Minhwan or Hanwool?

Judul gepeng Stud¥ Gr0up (ijo)

20 312

Which of you and Pets are playing and/or are into $WOOL?

2 16

baah baah black sheep, have you any wool?

1 1

Which one do you like better?

White wool or dark wool?

5 66

Baa, baa, black sheep, have you any wool? 🐑
Yes, sir, yes, sir, three bags full.

My girlfriend said this was her favorite nursery rhyme.🥰

Any interaction with this tweet will be considered for WL. 🍬

531 849

So what's under all that wool?

5 86

Wich one for wool? (will be connected)

2 20

So i was thinking December could have a personalized ice cream jacket over brown waffle cone pajamas, and has cut up construction paper in his wool?

4 24

Would it be possible to mod hight levels in "Kingdoms and Castles" at the current state of the game and with that ad a vineyard and maybe goats to domesticate them for milk and wool? It would fit with the diplomacy update for more trate really well.

0 0

Baa Baa, Sha sheep, have you any wool?
Yes sir, Yes sir, three bags full.
One for my husband, one for my kids.
⸮|uᎸiƚuɒɘd ||iƚꙅ I mɒ ɘiʜqoꙄ

12 37

“Ro-Bull, Ro-Bull, have you any wool?”

“No-sir, no-sir, I’M A CYBORG BULL.”

That is all.

0 1

Baa, baa, black sheep, have you any wool?
Version with and without text!

1 2