Omg how dare i forget to show you guys the new chomps re-design and my other new worrdgirl ocs (yes the owl lady is a worrdgirl oc now)

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My Homestuck phase is coming back
[Homestuck edit]

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,, orr mousey or cheesecake (nicknames given by her dad)
yes fanchild

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..clown gal n her psycho bff
UHHHHHHH so more ocs TWO ocs for wg hehehehehe
(this has nothing to do with it being the 1st ok/srs)

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whhat if
what if we both had wordgirl ocs and and we made them kiss 🤪🤪💥💥

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art trade with !!!!!!!!!

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I finally got around to coloring Stardews villain outfit jfgahsvs

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new wg oc ayyy🎉
lil magical girl willow and her pet echo the bat

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Trickster butters up Granny May both outta respect and because they want to be on her good side lol

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My wordgirloc and his son lol their whole thing is that he is super quiet and can make people be as quite as a mouse while his son is really loud and can’t control his powers yet lol

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"I see that you and your little friend fell into my glitter goop trap!"

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