{Like & Retweet are very much appreciated}

Digital art - 💮💮💮 LaoWen 老温 &AhXu阿絮 💮💮💮

12 38

commission for @/misuhiro_o

Gong Jun & Zhang Zhehan 😉💕💕


JULY COMM will open
🌻FRI 28 MAY 2021 - 8PM🌻 (GMT+7)

My comm portfolio & price is on my Bio

39 146


山河令演唱会&定妆照花絮 ,这种不经意间的小玄学,信或不信都特别美好❤️

1684 3434

企画考えてくれた方非常感谢你 完全版円盤化求

43 112


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If the lovers are tied with it, they will meet in all lifetimes 💔

I've been crying about these too a lot recently, I know I love angst but they broke my heart a little, so I wanted them to be together like they should 🥺

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reposting this bc I love how it turned out heehee... eat a'xu eat

1 9

Screencap redraw of one of my favourite scenes in the drama (ep 12 special). Thank you ZZH for the creative direction, GJ for the amazing acting, and Hu Xia for the super romantic bgm

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My first fanart! Lie in the blossoms with me (Ao3: https://t.co/EVKfLbrAN1 ), watercolours and pencils

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Waiting for these phoenix eyes 🪶
Chu Wanning portrait, wish you like it 🙏

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