GM, what are you up to today?

I’m curious, do you all have art websites?

What platform do you like the best which included e-commerce - Wordpress, Squarespace, Shopify, FASO?

⬇️⬇️My expression when I am trying to get my website how I want it

10 22

Any idea why, in wordpress, the gifs I upload are shown like this in Safari? , if I download the image it looks ok?

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Our websites are proudly made in Wordpress, not just for us but also for our clients who find it easy to understand & make edits / updates when they need to. We even provide video tutorials!

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We are experts. All our are proudly made in Wordpress, not only for the benefit of us but also for clients who find it easy to understand & make edits / updates when they need to. We even provide video tutorials!

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Want to create a seamless, integrated school calendar experience for your school and audiences? Check out “Maximizing Your Online School Calendar With WordPress, Calendar+ Plugin”

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Just recently found your wordpress, the production timeline and your other entries are really awesome! It's cool you're continuing to update it as the movies come. Maybe another aspect to cover would be Tomino's recent-ish book detailing his reflections on the anime production.

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We are experts. All our are proudly made in Wordpress, not only for the benefit of us but also for clients who find it easy to understand & make edits / updates when they need to. We even provide video tutorials!

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SiloMag Si quieres enterarte de las mejores noticias y recursos que hemos encontrado sobre el mundo del diseño gráfico, diseño web y WordPress, no puedes perderte esta nueva edición de SiloMag. La entrada…

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... Nan mais WordPress, sérieux? Y'a 4 images dans le post et tu choisis de mettre celui avec les nichons? Tu cherches à me faire ban?
Bon et en espérant que twitter ne m'ait pas shadowbannée, voici les 3 autresimages.

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SiloMag SiloMag vuelve una semana más para con los recursos y noticias más interesante que de esta última quincena sobre el mundo del diseño gráfico, diseño web y WordPress, que nos inspiran en nuestro día a…

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Ohh ternyata baru dapat ilmu dari WORDPRESS,

Coba beri garis merah, pada lafadz Image hadits di bawah yg menunjukkan "Bangkai Anjing" & "Malaikat Rahmat"
(kalo memang ada, spt kata anda)

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Excited about things going on on the web outside the big social networks, I migrated to WordPress, reinvigorated my blog and I'm having a blast.

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■広告です ウェブサイト制作も「株式会社ハレマルウ」へお願いします jQuery,wordpress,html5 他 超高速コーディング! もちろん高度なデザイン済みです!

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