Stay active whilst working from home with these few exercises 🏃‍♀️

Regularly moving throughout the day is proven to improve focus and motivation. Which exercises are you going to try today?

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New exercises to stay active at your desk, and keep your motivation up throughout the day 🧘‍♂️

5 min spare? Try these ones:
➡Wall sit
➡Bulgarian split squats

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Time to take a break and start moving 👊

Here are some new exercises you can do at your desk to keep your energy up throughout your working day:
➡ Chair plank
➡ Donkey kicks
➡ Glute Bridge

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Do you feel like you are lacking motivation when you are working from home?

Staying active during the day can help you keep your energy up. Here are a few simple exercises you can do only using essential office furniture ⬇👊

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