Bronx and König doodles I made a few days ago...

(They don't look like their original appearances! :"T)

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Today's Fan Art Friday is courtesy of the talented Lufty Bomber!

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For this we're highlight sekai.o and her adorable chibi version of Adele!

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For this Throwback Thursday we look to this fantastic for Adele's Dirndl costume!

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This week's is courtesy of our very own Tim! Here's his rendition of Hamilton as... Hamilton!

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World War ToonsというFPSゲームに登場する、可愛くデフォルメされたM4中戦車の模型を頂きました。

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This Fan Art Friday we look at IceFlame1019's creation entitled Tank Turblence!

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For this we're taking a look at a few concept hats. Which one is your favorite?

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congrats on the successful launch of tank models! Looks like it's selling out fast. When do we do big ones? ;)

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For this one of our artists, Danielle, drew General Mayhem in the artistic style of Ratfink!

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Today's is Hanz's alternate costume created by the amazing D'Armini!

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For this Fan Art Friday, FaithSDK returns with König hanging out with some chickens!

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We had to choose between a few options for the jump pads in Here's a few for this

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It's time for the Looniest Plays of the Week! Send your clips to!

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Did you know that we have badges on our forums? Stop by and check them out!

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Have you been streaming Let us know and we might just stop by!

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Hey , now that you have a PlayStation VR, when are you going to play

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Don't forget to pick up today on otherwise we'll send Grinnade after you!

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Today is the last day to get the First to the Fight badge on forums! Be sure to sign up and get it!

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