Meet our cast of characters!

"A headstrong young boy whose origins are shrouded in secrecy. His arrival in the Middle Yard heralds the dawn of a new age. It's up to you to guide him through the challenges that lie ahead!"

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Meet our cast of characters!

"A shaman and fortune teller from the distant realm of Vanirham. Her steady hand weaves the tapestry of fate to which we are all bound. Recover her mislaid works of art in exchange for a mystic boon."

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Meet our cast of characters!

"A decorated former soldier who now serves as Chief Arbiter in the Court of Mars. No sacrifice is too great in the name of order for Anzirham! Deliver unto him his long-lost writings to receive your just reward."

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The Woten DX - Traveller's Dream crowdfunding campaign continues to build momentum! Please check out our page and consider backing us if you haven't done so already! We've left a link in the replies here. Thanks very much! ⬇️⬇️⬇️

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Heya! the for WotenDX is officially LIVE! Please give it a look, a share, and your consideration. We would love for you to experience the world we built!

OH and check out our public demo!

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