Today is World Suicide Prevention Day and I am here to say You Make Today Better.
Even now, you are enough.
Even now, your story is important.
Even now, you are worthy of love.

Link in BIO


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"You are perfect naturally, embrace your new reality;
No one else could love you quite like you, baby~"

I'm opening for YCHs inspired by one of my favorite songs from Carole and Tuesday! These will be $15 each, and $5 from each one will be donated to for

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Here's the finished painting from last nights stream for . This is how I visualize the concept of feeling weighed down. Or when you feel held back by your own thoughts.

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Today is Mental health and suicide prevention is something that hits home for me. I know so many people who’ve attempted, a few who’ve lost their lives to suicide, and a ton of people who have been affected by the loss that it brings......

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