He coming for you, tRumpty!
He’s coming for you too, .

82 190

☀️💕They’re back 💕☀️

🍃The Sweet Sounds and Sights of Spring 🍃

“Some American Robins migrate while others remain in place throughout the winter months.

For many, American Robins are harbingers of spring.”


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Today we celebrate the Women who work hard everyday to raise families while they work to improve the world. Women can multitask + have hearts big enough to include everyone.

22 32

Even more optimistic environmental news. Our planet has nearly terminated its contract with humans. Dictators and politicians are guaranteeing we won’t have anything like a democracy, freedom, justice, equality or a healthy planet. 🙄🤬


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“Here we are, the most clever species ever to have lived. So how is it we can destroy the only planet we have?”

- Jane Goodall

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