a sequence of drawings with Austro-Hungarian soldiers on the this iconography remains unsurpassed for me!

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austrian troop!
I'm always fascinated by these portraits

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sketches of the Italian artist Edgardo Rossaro (1st is his self-portrait): it belonged to Alpine Volunteers, Alpine soldiers with special characteristics. In addition to the drawings, Rossaro left a war diary, published with title "My Merry War".

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sketch of a legionary passing through Piombino Dese, a village near Padua. The Czech legion fought valiantly on the especially in the area of ​​Lake Garda.
Prisoners were usually hanged by the Austrians as traitors.

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Italian trench on Mount
Drawing by Lombardi.

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an italian colored sketch by Lombardi painter for a painting entitled Valore e Patria (Honor and Homeland) in which nurses lay a Tricolor on the chest of a dying man.
Live scene, Piave, June 1918.

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From an Italian perspective, a similar scene:
"unfortunate patrol".
Drawing by Giuseppe Ravanelli.

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"German soldier fleeing in front of our asphyxiating gases.
October 1918,
sketch of Innocente Cantinotti.

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