Commission for of their lovely character, Aerandir! He was so much fun to render and to play with lighting!

4 16

Hello I’m Wyn, a Bi-Ace Dominican designer and illustrator. I do motion graphics, character design, and digital illustration. I am looking for work that falls in any of these fields, especially in gaming!

6 11

is trending, so let me quickly hop on the bandwagon 😁

Hi! I'm Wyn, a Bi-Ace Dominican illustrator. I love drawing fanart, cool characters, and I use a lot of blues, pinks, and purples.

8 28

Thank you for this, T! I'm Wyn, fat Bi-Ace Dominican designer and illustrator. I love drawing fanart, cool characters, and I use a lot of blues, pinks, and purples.

2 5

Hi   I’m Wyn, a Bi-Ace Dominican designer and illustrator. I specialize in motion graphics, character design, and digital illustration. I am looking for work that falls in any of these fields, especially in gaming!

12 37

Lil late but hey

I'm Wyn, a Bi Dominican designer, with strengths in motion graphics, character design, and digital illustration. I'm interested in work that falls into any of these fields, especially in gaming!

8 16

A full rendered Halfbody commission for of their great cat boi OC, Curiosity! Had an absolute blast with this piece!

5 11

Hi ! I'm Winston, a Bi Dominican designer, with specializations in motion graphics, character design, and digital illustration. I'm interested in work that falls into any of these fields, especially in gaming!

8 20

Hello, My name is Winston, a Bi Dominican designer! I specialize in motion graphics, character design, and digital illustration. I'm looking for work as an illustrator, character designer, and/or comic artist!

25 50


Number 3 in this series of Behemoth Baddies!

Honestly, one of my favorite anime and that’s mostly because of this kind, yet unkillable teacher ❤️

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Next up in my series of behemoth baddies (oooo I like that as a name), my favorite monster royal couple!

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"I still can't believe it. I really flew. Wait ‘til I tell Kairi."

Kingdom Hearts was my first fandom love. If middle school me could see how I can draw the good boi now, I think he would be very proud.

15 23

I've been so enamored with the art style of the game Hades wanted my own characters in this style and world. What art style from a game do you love?

6 10

(warning: blood and gore advisory)


I think it's a refreshing entry in the series and it at least tries something new.

0 4


Pet Sematary were ok movies, both the original and the remake. There are cheap jumpscares and subplots that never really go anywhere. But they were decent films for me.

0 3

A pause in the prompts today to try to work some of my favorite illustrations into VHS covers, per the prompt by my friend !

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What an incredibly trippy movie! Its got some pacing issues for sure, but I can def recommend it.

0 5

And finally, meet my boy Erik, one if the protagonists of my developing comic project, Fallrest Harbor!

Really trying to nail down perspective and backgrounds and I'm happy with how it came out!

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