WYRMS FOOTNOTES (April 1982) The Special. Sadly the last issue of the original run of Wyrms Footnotes from .

(thread ends)

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WYRMS FOOTNOTES (Oct 1981) includes Introduction to Questworld; Advice from Rurik (and get a peek at Rurik's stats); Pantheons of Glorantha — The Orlanth Pantheon; History of the Lunar Empire (Third Wane)

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WYRMS FOOTNOTES (Spring 1981) includes Alternate training system for Advice from Rurik; Plunder (loot for RuneQuest); The Founding of the Temple of the Wooden SwordHistory of the Lunar Empire: First Wane

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WYRMS FOOTNOTES (1979) is The issue! Does anything else really need to be said? There is much more though, from Monsters to the Sartar High Council LARP.

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WYRMS FOOTNOTES (1977) has more rules and scenarios for White Bear & Red Moon, including showing the heroes as characters. And better yet! You learn "How to Cook a Walktapus!"

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