GM! I had a dream.. of an AI Wizard Machine! Doing some finishing touches on the collection set to mint 3.23.23 (whoa, palindrome!) Hope you guys are readyyyy! Have a great start to your day, here is some teaser art!

19 27

Gem Sweep! 20 WZKD Official bought for 0.77289 ETH

0 0

Starting at 1pm EST on September 25th and ending at 11:59pm EST on September 30th:

1. Buy ANY and
2. HODL it or it,
3. You are automagically entered to win:

🧙‍♂️ The ONE OF FCKN ONE WZKD (pictured) or
👽 The RARE AF B&W Liquid Invader (pictured)

28 45

📢Let's get forge day started right!📢

Starting 9/23 at 6PM EST & ending 9/25 6PM EST, every WZKD

1⃣swept off floor
2⃣sent to the forge

Counts as 1 entry to win Liquid Invader

Winner picked via number picker

43 51

by . WZKD FOR LIFE- don’t @ me

18 54

Which of your are you planning on leveling up? partners and more get yourself some and level up potions minting now.

14 32


Price is .12 per potion- there are Mythic and Rares peppered throughout.

Oh... anyone who MINTS will eligible to receive an additional MYTHIC POTION from WZKD at the close of mint. Every mint eligible!

21 34

🧙Join us for Wednesday
🧙Retweet this tweet and you will be entered to win an
awesome WZKD.

Join our space tonight at 9.30 pm Est with our

Winner will be picked during

39 51

We all have fun and family to balance. has a thoughtful schedule to make room for all the important things.

Oh, and after school programs for kids. Already ongoing, a lot more underway in the bg. LVLup potions soon!

0 5

There are only 80 listed. Only 80. The floor is so thin that one whale (lcould drive the floor to 1 ETH with a very minimal investment. Forging (staking) soon. Airdrop snapshot soon. After-school programs now. This is a no brainer. Who wants in?

26 59

And the story continues. The Great fighting for the survival of his fellow kind. Join the discord to read the story. Grab a couple Wzkds (to ensure your potion drop) and join the Great Wzkd in this epic battle

5 8

6 back to a .10 floor- even thinner to .15 - do the math!

Potions snapshot on the way. Easy 2 for 1.

Let’s gooooooooooooooooo

32 51

When is that snapshot for the LVLUP potions coming?

Probably sooner than you think…

For every TWO unlisted you hold you will be airdropped a random potion.

Don’t get caught sleeping! DELIST NOW.

60 81

For every two unlisted WZKD you hold you will be airdropped a LVLUP potion, granting you access to a new, leveled up wizard. This will be the common potion. Snapshot is coming…

125 177

Getting after school programs up and running. Making a positive contribution. 🧙‍♂️

12 32

Welcome home Chicken Wizard

17 52

🧙‍♀️DE-list or RE-list your above 0.1
🧙‍♀️ 5 days CONTEST

THIS PHD could be yours!
Randomly I will choose a wzkd holder

letsssgooooo WZKDs

57 76