Remember the anxeaters (Mangoisse en français)? 🌱

Bigger than a ferret and from the same family, they have the ability to calm people and anxious beings around them, due to the Murmur. They can purr if they are safe. And they looove to sleep.

Kind of cat-ferrets!

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Le Mangoisse (Anxeater) est une petite créature très douce proche des mustélidés et qui a la capacité de calmer les personnes et êtres anxieux autour de lui. On peut le domestiquer et il apprécie beaucoup les câlins et autres marques d’affection.

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[comm for boxeater5 @ FA]

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Rin The iced horn (Aquarius) design.

73 446

Demon X eater design : Daiken (The Two Horn).

68 469

It was a lot of fun doing this piece for a new Twitch Streamer; PhoenixEater_ This will be the last individual on my To-Do list before i have to close commissions for a while. Thanks a lot for everyone's support over the many months!

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