A hybrid of Xeno'Jiiiva and an Oltura, reached the adulthood on this form, keeping the overhall Xeno characteristics with Oltura wings and upper scales arround his whole body, he's also a king !
OC belongs to:

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Yeah! That's just a common thing with Monster Hunter, where the final boss is usually something like Narwa/XenoJiiva/Ishvalda, so a much bigger threat than the title monster

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I love Xenojiiva's armor <3
I put in the DevilJho sword cause I like the angelic contrast with the nightmare sword.

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Keeper of the Otherworld. Xeno x Safi' jiiva. One of the most requested pieces for this series. Btw, how good are Safi's weapons?

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oh, and on the subject of Xeno'jiiva;
fun fact -- my lovely Jawaby boy's character, Cygnus, was heavily inspired by Xeno's design too(‐^▽^‐) 🤍

brilliant sapphire star 2.0 tbh lol, here's both Cyggi's default & Nightmare form! (❁´ v `❁)*✲゚*

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I mcfreakin love this game a lot
Big thank u 2 tonight for helping on xenojiiva grind!

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From the stream. The mighty toddler xeno'jiiva weilding the Legendary Meat Dagger.

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я горд этим ребенком

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