Official Lyrics video of 光点(Made To Love) on NSMG YouTube channel

▶️Xiao Zhan 肖战 - Made To Love 光点|Official Lyrics MV

188 384

During the VIP broadcast period of There was more than 100 Weibo Hot-searches
There were a lot of interaction between casts on Weibo and idoltube got a huge discussions


78 203

/me trying to keep up with XiaoZhan’s trends in every country

80 136

光点 is nominated for KING CHOICE HOT 50 WORLD SONGS JANUARY 2021

You can submit 2 votes/hour
The voting depends on your willingness


160 259

光点(Made to Love) has surpassed 140M CNY sales just right before the end of 2020!

Congratulations 🎊 🥳

266 594

AIMAN Brand Endorsement Effect Index : November 2020

TOP 1 Alcoholic Beverages Category Budweiser ME3 : Endorsed by


46 131

Since got more than 10M votes in Weibo TV’s TV Series Awards 2020, The new topic 疾冲投票破千万(JiChong surpassed 10M votes) is now being discussed. You can celebrate this incredible statistic by adding the hashtag in your Weibo post!

88 253

BRIGHT DATA | Last week when was released has reached TOP1 of Star Popularity Weekly Chart

Popular broadcast Series XiaoZhan as JiChong from Jin Guo

53 154

song “光点(Made to Love)” just passed 134M rmb sales🎉 Our little princess never stopped growing up!

62 198

song “光点(Made to Love)” Current sales on all platforms : 44,097,056 digital copies or 132,291,168 rmb($19,483,808)

Congratulations to our King 👑

66 166

song “光点(Made to Love)” was sold 2,160,621 copies or 6,481,863 rmb on 5 Oct. 2020🎂

Current total sales is 44,042,196 copies or 132,126,588 rmb😆

The song just made 1st place on Best-selling streaming singles worldwide 1 day before this peak🎉

170 275

光点(Made to Love) has already surpassed 39M copies and 117M rmb sales! Happy 100th day to the song and congratulations to our thank you for all supports🙏

128 295