Repainted neck scarf. Rock lamp as lighted. Adjusted some lighting from right. Added little bits of vegetation through rock cracks near lamp. I think it's almost done.#peachmomoko

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I dropped xp-pen stylus. & it malfunctioned. Can't continue painting until replacement pen arrives from DHL. This is last progress of Sai painting.

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I guess wanting to make something very nice can't be rushed. Little bit by little bit everyday painting. Tonight's update.

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Added hilite outlines/silhouette to figures & darker shadows. So that they can blend/meld better into background.

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Render right glove. Will adjust more. Repaint red sash. Paint katana. tsuka (handle)wrapped with dark blue silk. Gold kashira(sword handle butt cap). Gold tsuba(sword guard).

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1st time I'm using more custom brushes with different textures and effects. Using "cigarette smoke" brushes to create smoky strokes/smoke effect in PS.

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The Jizo Bosatsu statue repositioned on canvas. Wolf is re-rendered with limbs adjusted. The actual Logan wolf has white cloth collar, and the snout is dark grey brown.

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Throwing in colours. Rendering. I think I'll need to fix something about the left leg later.
Sai from X-Men Demon Days by Peach Momoko.

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Scrapped yesterday's Sai draft. Blocked out shapes in Photoshop for this new pose instead today.

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Peach Momoko's design for Demon Days is the coolest thing i've seen in a while.

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