Evil trio. 💜💛🖤 MinShan and GuangYao are (like) a couple, and Xue Yang is like their dog who will shit in the living room if he feels like it.

29 98

para a mxtx, xue yang é a sua "obra-prima" (sim, ela AFIRMOU isso em uma entrevista) e eu concordo totalmente!
eu amo o xue yang e eu daria milhões de docinhos p/ ele nesse dia tão especial!
feliz aniversário/happy birthday, yangyang! 💞🍡

9 25

Чибик для манги, хитрюга Ян)

6 29

Ян отлично повеселился на праздники)

5 40

I'm too lazy to keep rendering, sorry for the arm

A little with clothes

It's the first time I've paint a body, please be kind 💖

69 338

*Xue yang came and he kisses back to Zichen, but he's not the one he want to kiss him back*
*He frowns at him*


9 18

A simple repost today, but I really wanted this quartet to be in the same place - so it’s easier for me to find them and CRY <3

138 408

This is one of the roughest pieces I've worked on recently, and it was so much fun that I'm now planning its companions :)

I hope you like it! 💙

72 219

薛🐏 薛成美现代paro-小混混、情报商(临也的影子😂)常在漫画店免费看漫画。唯一知道瑶妹是间谍的人
XueYang,XueChengMei modern AU. Gangster,Information Vendor(sounds like Orihara Izaya😂)likes to go to manga shop and read free manga. The only person who knows MengYao is Spy.

461 1528