Keep your eyes on me 🖤

Bad guy is close to 10K views on YT!!
Watch Here:

28 650

What did you say to him??

24 747

An autumn encounter 🖤


30 798


15 436

우냐냥님 난민아트☺️💗

6 43

I've been just dying to meet you 🖤


61 1059

묘야()님 아크릴스탠드 일러스트 작업했습니다!💙

586 3882

그리구 레이드 보내주신 시냐님 감사합니다💜🦢

0 21


1 4

This little guy was sitting on my drafts for a long time so I decided to color him


3 151

back at it again yo, he’s fun to draw okay~

and I think it keeps getting better everytime I draw you i feel lmaoo

(side note i tried drawing your jacket multiple times for an hour and half and I couldn’t get it right so I gave up lmaoo)

4 85

담소님 배포틀 사용했습니다😎😎

1 6

Okay, I have to show off this Into the Churn art by the amazing vitokovskaya_art—she totally brought this scene to life! 😱🤯😍

Last day to preorder the ebook for 0.99 before release day tomorrow!

2 17