I just found an interesting person with cool selfies on insta and suddenly I see this pic where they look exactly like that drawing of Yakobar I made a couple years back. I'm sure if anybody sees them together they will think I used it as a ref. But I didn't. Spooky. 😳

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Yakobar's ideal Valentine's day is a hack through the fields and forests with Karolina & the hounds, followed by a shopping tour where he buys her a nice gift, dinner in a good restaurant after which they return home to investigate the cursed hell gate behind the house.


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Thanks for the opportunity! Yakobar's toony ref is very fitting here, I think. :)

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What a beautiful, vibrant style you have! 💜 I'll toss Yakobar's hat in the ring.

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Oh my! This looks fun! :) I'm throwing in the boy(s) again. I feel like a sketch page of Yakobar doing things, badly, while cheeky oil-pest Yachalis interferes would be hilarious!

All the refs: https://t.co/WMA1SvjStG

3 12

What a cool character! :o Dom audition sounds fun, why not. 😏 Yakobar is up for that. He's a warlock with a tiny possession problem, likes handling bigger subs and has some monster tricks up his sleeve if needed.

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Thanks for the opportunity =) here's Yakobar again. Still possessed by a demon.

More info and pictures about them, if you want: https://t.co/WMA1SvjStG

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I can't get over how peaceful they look when Yakobar sleeps.

Spoiler alert: It's a trap.

1 12

If you're not feeling it today, Yachalis is happy to help. Hang in there.

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I hope y'all are feeling positively manic today.

1 3

SpoooOOOooOOOoooky business -Yakobar edition. 🎃

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Due to recent events...

Corona infections are on the rise, so wear your goddamn masks or Yakobar makes you wear his.

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Demons are like cats. Their hair gets into everything, except... Yachalis only pretends to have actual 'fur'.

Good morning! :D

3 6

Yakobar says, wear a fucking mask or I make you wear mine.

1 9

Such pretty art! Let my toss my hat into the ring with my possessed warlock Yakobar & his daemonic torment, Yachalis. They can melt into each other to various degrees, so have fun, if you choose them.

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"When you came into my life, I was a different person. I'm not asking for forgiveness, but I thank you for teaching me I was wrong."

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Oh how nice! I love your art. :) thanks for the opportunity.

Throwing Yakobar into the ring, my possessed warlock and his Daimon Yachalis.

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Your art is wonderful! Thanks for the opportunity! 🙏 I'm proposing my possessed warlock - Yakobar.

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Such beautiful art! ❤️Good luck and thanks for the opportunity!

I throw my warlock Yakobar into the hat, he's possessed by a demon.

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