画質 高画質


Group Exhibition "Shunrai"
Mar6 - Apr7
Place: GalleryCAFE tokonoma Yamaguchi ,Japan

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Two Bunny girls🐰🩷🤎✨
My Oc "Umeko" (Left) and 's OC "Mei Yamaguchi"(Right)
I drawing the commission art( for ) that was requested. It was so fun😊👍✨✨

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*hq permisi, sender ingin mencari kawan baru buat hype haikyuu karena kangen dan udah lama engga hype. sender mainly fav Noya, Suga, Yamaguchi (aslinya semua di Karasuno hshs). Sender juga multifandom, mari berkawan hhe.. freepass yang suka Karasuno, ayo penuhin tl (cont..)

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*hq cw // spoiler

Gak heran kalo yamaguchi yg jadi kapten selanjutnya ☺️ bisa memberikan solusi sekaligus menjadi penengah di antara pergelutan kage-hina-tsuki 😂

58 1014

*hq warning SPOILER

Serve and block. The weapon and the shield of karasuno. Yamaguchi and tsukishima 😭👏 apa ga pada merinding liat scene ini ada di layar bioskop...

49 363

*hq warning SPOILER

maaf kalo lebay tapi sender benar-benar berterima kasih sama Furudate sensei soalnya udah bikin tim sehebat karasuno dimana daichi, suga, asahi, tanaka, noya, ennoshita, kinnoshita, narita, kageyama, hinata, tsukishima, yamaguchi jadi anggotanya. (cont..)

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If you like Ryoko Yamaguchi please checkout for more characters and updates on the upcoming manga

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lucu ya, 3 taun bareng masih kagak akur (endearingly) wkkwkw sampe kapten kudu turun tangan. kebayang

tsukki: gomen yamaguchi. tapi dia yang mulai duluan
kage: AAH?!?!??
yams: kalian berdua cepet minta maaf sambil salaman abistu pelukan
tsukikage: 😨

99 1051

Ямагучи и Цукишима в будущей 21 главе

4 23

Com 63 - Ryoko Yamaguchi (#戦うに値する)

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*hq warning spoiler

salah satu chara development yang bikin terharu tuh Yamaguchi ga sih? dari dia yg awalnya serve ga masuk waktu sama seijoh terus selanjutnya 5 serve dia masuk dan bikin dia pede. sampe kls 3 pun dipilih jadi kapten 🥺❤️

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sneak-peek of 1/1 by sumeshi

Hello, I'm Koharu! It's been two years since I moved from Yamaguchi prefecture to Tokyo. I've gotten used to living in the city. I'll do my best today too!

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😌✨ Solo Tadashi preparándose para ir al trabajo

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Happy 35th birthday to Rikako Yamaguchi, the seiyuu of Rio Momose!

Rikanee loves bears! She often collects bear shaped trinkets or goods with bears on them and posts them on her Twitter!

Thank you for your love for Rio, Rikanee! Have an amazing day! 🎁

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Yams pays Tsukishima a visit and decides to stay over,,, Kei’s fighting for his life

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