I can’t get over how silly yanqing looks here he is so cute….

15 260

Look, even my judgemental Yanqing has improved!! ((Hey!

0 3

Babu! Cw // crossover HSR

Kayaknya dia cocok temenan sama yanqing

10 66

큐트는 정의

94 398

YanYan: If it has feathers and can fly, it must be Baba!

2016 19181

It took a few tries till YanYan got it.

2690 22779

ayt, so which one am i choosing...i have a copy of each of them already, while Yanqing's already E1

I'm leaning towards Bronya for obvious reasons...

I don't use Himeko, Clara, Yanqing and Bailu

0 23

It’s still the 31st in some other parts of the world so I am still on time!

1230 9109

It's almost halloween but idk what to have them dress up as this year. Looking for suggestions 🙏

1296 10989

은하탐구생활에서 SD 표정들이 귀여웠어서...

253 1167