Illuso lies down on his bed as soon as he gets home. He turns on the TV and yawns loudly. He will be asleep soon.

22 125

Good morning family! Kimberly, Reading specialist from north TX here and ready to chat this morning. Ignore the yawns!

0 4

guys i think mika starts to shed tears when he yawns but instead of just one or two little tears he just starts bawling uncontrollably against his will (i used to do this when i was tiny)

3 33

🐶 *spins around in a circle x 10* *digs in blanket* *spins more* *yawns and lays down* 🐱💕

5 64

*rubs his eye and yawns back*

Mnyehh! J-just get you and Mills to work ON time.

..and quit yawning, it’s catchy.

0 0

[Mokie Week Day 2: Casual/Formal. I went with casual]

"Hm? Ah, good morning! I hope today will be absolutely kind to you!" She yawns softly. "Haha seems I over slept. Ah well, I'll get ready for the day."

3 16

NOW its 219 holy shit I'm senile

yawns real loud uhhm goodnight (guest stahh ) these r wicked cool 🎉

18 106

Good morning.

13 126

Can someone help me with a battery replacement? Mines all sorts of funky LoL

Had to be up at the crack of dawn to help my sister *yawns*

2 10

Sakura- *yawns and stretches*

Good morning~

7 70

The sun teases the vixen tones in my once believed midnight hair. It curtains my face like a babydoll dress, and I watch your stare through eyes no more distant than summer's lasting, bittersweet yawns. You are riddled with poetry—a taste forever lingering.

43 127

*Yawns* I'm staying up late waiting for launch💃🎊🥳🎉

Ended up picking up my 5th & omg I'm happy, I'm definitely holding onto this one🥰

Really love the Pink hat💗! I may need one

&& that gold chain😍

15 27

Me right now (yawns)

0 3

Sleepy bawie~ 💤 *Yawns*

0 5

Tokoyami yawns as he walks through the halls towards the kitchen when he sees the reader.

“Oh hello there *yawns* I’m just here to make something to eat. Would you like me to make you anything.”

0 7