Okay let’s do this thing tonight friends. Solos, duos, and squads all happening tonight at https://t.co/eIvABBz81B so come take a look! There will be cats ;)

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There are some surprises in store for you all tonight. I am loving it. Going with some ranked at https://t.co/Ozv4dHF3Wi so come check it out! Promise some good times.

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Trying out the new map on with so come check it out at https://t.co/eIvABBz81B as he carries me!

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Let’s try something new in and use a ranged weapon. Let’s watch the pain at https://t.co/Ozv4dHF3Wi

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I feel like more tonight with the buds, so come hang out! https://t.co/83n4OAjMlt for some good times.

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