蒸汽蓉/Joki Yoh


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Things I would have NEVER expected to happen in this timeline: Hikaru cosplaying Yoh

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蒸汽蓉/Joki Yohさんはコミッションを募集しています! https://t.co/M4x9cqs8HI より

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[Request] Hana with Yoh's travel outfit!

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yohさんによる「ハマポリグラフィックス5 Anthology」に短編漫画を寄稿させていただきました。ハマポリっぽさが上手く出ていると良いのですが…

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I also made a studio TRIGGER fanbook with my friends to celebrate its 12th anniversary. Luckily, Yoh Yoshinari was invited to Japan Expo as guest this year. ❤️ https://t.co/abDtUs821y

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y ya que estamos en ese tema, otro estilo q se me hace peak es el de yoh en shaman king, su diseño buaaa lo kiero mucho jksjdjd (además su doblaje original en latinoamerica me encanta)

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yohさん()の にショート漫画を描かせていただけることになりました。
いつもの  とは違うテイストですが、ネタは仕込んであります。

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Illustration made by Yoh Yoshinari featuring many of Gainax Mechas like Evangelion, Gurren Lagan, Panty & Stocking, FLCL, Mahoromatic,This Ugly Yet Beautiful World, Abenobashi, Gunbuster and Deibuster

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大丈夫お姉ちゃんはあっちでホットリミットみたいな衣装でノリノリだから👍うおおー!YOH SEYたちが♪


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yohさん(@ yoh_ill)とこの「ハマポリ」の亜種ジャンルですw

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Oh my gosh, I love Shaman King and I love Yoh. <3

TF cause you're cool and gay. ;3
Plus it's always a pleasant surprise when I see you pop in and you're on my team lol. XD

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6. Best Boy

Everyone already knows Lyserg is my best boy 😉 (thankfully I didn’t have to decide between him and marco bc marco is an adult, so he is best man)

So I will instead say my second and third best boys as I did just before…

Yoh & Chocolove!

(What dramatic pics lol)

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4. Favorite battle

It’s definitely between…

Lyserg + Jeanne vs. Team Niles

Or Yoh vs. Marco (the fight right before the first battle between marco vs luchist)

Or the first Marco vs. Luchist battle (as in the one on the beach)…

I’ll say…the first marco vs luchist battle 😎

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6° Ya repetí a HoroHoro, asi que me voy por otro.

Yoh es el sol mismo

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