You’re my home, and when you hold my hand, i know everything will be ok.

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Akatsuki no Yona fanart💞

✨Like, comment, and share are appreciated 💖✨✨
✨Please visit me on instagram too!💖💖

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I'm almost catch up with Akatsuki no Yona manga and I want to draw Hakyona because IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL. May I will draw the dragons too

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2/6 YOTD portraits are finished! Next up is Ki-Ja 💕

Click on the link to watch these drawings come to life!

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Happy Fanart Friday!!!!! I really hope you like it~!!!
Anime/Manga: Yona of the Dawn/Akatsuki no Yona.
Yona and Hak.

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sorry I wont be sharing the lineart for this

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There better be a second season of I need more of this!! huhu

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