⏬⏬ Серия артов ⏬⏬
Два варианта 2B

Автор работы: YD
Источник: https://t.co/NdgZDsT3gV

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Bolomo Studio - YoRHa No.2 Type B
Pre order


Material:Resin + Poly Stone

Measurement:Height 46cm

Shipping Date:2021 Q4

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Happy Birthday, YoRHa No.2 Type B!
Born on January 7th, 11942.

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"The machines don't have feelings. You said it yourself."

- l c▐m¯mission│-

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i am playing NieR:Automata for the first time, i wanted to play it for a long time and i am playing the game right now with no skirt of course

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Yay, finished to paint a portrait of summer 2B ^v^ Love this character so much, want to draw her more often 💙

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It's ma friendo's birthday and I painted 2b as a gift for him 👌

I'm weirded out because my art turned out good. Ang sipag ko kapag magpapaint ng pangregalo wow haha

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This night finished to draw yuri piece for this month and now you can see who was this teasered couple :D Once I saw dark 2B in I thought that she would look very nice with classic 2B 😋💖

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First art for tier 15+ instead of tutorial. Planned to make it very simple but I often don't know when to stop >< Feel so exhausted, but I'm happy I finished to paint her today and was really fun to draw her outfit🦌

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I was in need of some booty studies, and what better way to do that than to utilize our favourite ass-kickin android ⚔️

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