Poems come in many different styles and shapes.
Young writers could try writing poems in the style of checklists, instructions, ingredients, job descriptions or directions.

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Poetry-trees on paper and on glass to celebrate the amazing winners of the of the Year Award 2020 organized by the ! Each of the images on the tree represents one of the 100 winning poems: https://t.co/ttM1itFunf

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The launch day also means it's publication day for our anthologies of last year's winning poems! You can read the top 15 and 85 commended anthologies for free here: https://t.co/14UIWzsGaV

And teachers can request physical copies via fyp.org.uk 🐋

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Calling all encourage your students to enter the of the Year Award. For a class pack: fyp.org.uk

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Calling all young of the Year is open! Enter now and change your life https://t.co/yTXSnYGWu0

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Calling all young writers! The competition run by is open for entries. Enter https://t.co/4m26X235jP.

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