It is no coincidence Mandalorians call themselves the "Mando'ade".
This word translates to Basic as the "Sons and Daughters of Mandalore."

If you're interested in learning more, follow this link to our forums:

6 37

Reasons I know I have a good support system: I receive validation in many forms. This being one of them 💜💙

4 12

Still going on A.I. art...
"The march towards a beautiful, yet terrifying afterlife"

5 13

, people are freaking about face masks. It's simple thing to make . Take a 2 litr soda bottle , cut with scissors, +2 pieces of fishing line (any cordage) and tissues to catch moisture particulates @ front.

1 2

EYES ON ME The Movieは絶対ですが、ミンジュがIZ*ONEになる前に出演したという【The Fault is not yours.】

7 63

イェナ × ポムポムプリン
ユリ × マフィン

51 194


4 25

For anyone out there whose suffering and battling with depression I'm here for you.

4 12