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I finally finished drawing her dress!
This is M’yria’s less than subtle ‘fuck you’ to the Orlesians, leaving Solas in awe and Josie in tears.
When the dress went through Josie’s approval process there was an extra layer of fabric...and probably fewer weapons. https://t.co/2IBuojSQyt
While MYRE Vol 2 is in the making, why not dive into the world of Yria if you haven't yet? :)
Shipping to most countries is finally possible again. I ship weekly! L*nk is below.
Sketch vs Final
She wanders the barren lands of Yria, breathing life into the grounds, whispering softly to her children to not shy away from sight. 🌱
I love this. M'yria would absolutely rock a cute skirt and a loose top that shows off her ink. https://t.co/ncBy64M4fs
@ninawolverina Don't mind me just swooping in at the last!
Thank you for doing this and congrats on the follower milestone!
This is my elven rogue, M'yria. She has a wolf familiar, so she would prolly say that her favorite animals are wolves. But she also has an especially soft spot for ravens
@MichaelisMoshu This is so kind of you to do, congratulations on the impressive milestone! I'm a new follower, but I'm so glad I found you, your art is so lovely!
This is my elven rogue and master archer, M'yria :)
@lavellansbootay Oh this is so neat!
This is my Lavellan, M'yria. She is a rogue archer, tempest specialization, and ruthless ruler who would do almost anything to restore the elven people. She prefers animals to people and has a wolf familiar, Assan. :)
@thesunhonei I'm about to info blast you about my OCs, starting with my main Inky M'yria
She's a bit ruthless w/ a power-hungry streak. She prefers the company of animals to most people & has her wolf as a constant companion. She is fiercely loyal and committed to improving the lot of elves.
@AizelKonArt Oh this is so nice of you! Congratulations on being so close to that massive milestone!
This is my rogue elf, M'yria! She has a wolf familiar, is power hungry, and is fully convinced that she should rule the world. 😌
Need something to do so my OC's
Dandelion, Yria, Aiden and Narashia
Two of them I never played but I still love them
This is my Inquisitor, M’yria Lavellan.
If it weren’t for bad luck, she’d have no luck at all.
Continuing to play with digital art, I’m digging how this turned out.
Tubby Test log: G009-2 Sub:(L)yria
*G00-Strbry active*
(L) 96% corruption.
StrBry released to contain subject L.
ALERT! Unauthorized Merge in progress.
(L) 226% corruption. Critically rising.
*G00-StrBry Inactive*
Tubby Test log: G009-1 Subject: (L)yria
L provided TT uniform.
L consumed MULTIPLE unstable candies despite multiple warnings.
Evidence of heavy corruption already visible. Sending in a G00 for clean up.
90% corruption and counting.
Cont >
--> https://t.co/84ews3AjFY
Code: YRIA2020
Patreon Supporters get 30% off.
Thank you so much!
With only six days of my Myre 2 campaign left to go, I decided to add limited Yrian Commission slots! They're a bunch of fun to make. Patrons and Founders got first dibs. <3
Examples of previous Yria Commissions that I still enjoy.
The Kurrukh is Yria's equivalent to a muscle-car-steamroller-bullet with teeth. With a slight background added, this study is my personal ref sheet for the beast. You will see in in action in Myre 2. ;)
Gardeners - Her staff is draped with bags, filled with seeds of all various plants. The leaf like cloak is symbolic to their task, which is the endless endeavour to make Yria verdant again.
I really enjoyed this painting. :)
Detail crop of the next upcoming Yria commission painting. So much leafiness going on! 🌱