Today is the last day of Yuchiweek,I want to thank all of you who have enjoyed my works and I'm so happy to have your support! You guys are so sweet❤️ Thank you so much!Hope to see you again someday😊!
Remember,we love Yuchi + Mutsuki forever🍁🐁

143 819

Day 6 of and it seems we've walked in on a bit of a private time between these two..
But in all seriousness, I've brain-rotted smug Yuki and finally decided to draw it livnjdngnd. Since Machi's favorite color is red, it's only natural that it's her lipstick of choice..

3 11

Tag yourself, I'm 3 and 4 😚😆

Prompt: First Kiss

11 42

(1/6) On the school trip, Yuki wanted to take home lasting memories as his souvenir. His most impactful memory was when he embarrassed himself but for the first time, he found he didn't hate that part of himself for it. He could look back & smile at the person he was.

25 68

"It's a definite yes ❄❤🍁"

Prompt: Maple Leaf

88 401