🇯🇵 Japan BO
Feb 25

1 $900K/ $22.6M
2 $800K/ $83.75M
3 $440K/$5.18M
4 $400K/$1.1M
5 $380K/ $3.2M
8 $270K/ $103.2M
10 $100K/ $8M

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Yudo - Japanese plague doctor who was raised in the Edo period of Japan by a group of doctors and monks who studied medicine. After leaving due to suspicions, Yudo left to travel the world, exploring both humanity and the supernatural. Art - @//CosmicFunk69

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تم نشر الملصق الترويجي الرسمي للفيلم القادم Yudo من بطولة إيكوتا توما والذي سيعرض في 2023.

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Human Paladin, he's an old friend of mine, Yudo

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In Slavic Chudo Yudo is a multi-headed dragon who is tasked with being guardian of the of Life & Death. The enchanted waters of death can restore a body in ANY condition & the enchanted waters of life can resurrect the dead!

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am I really gonna get Donbrothers YUDO just for the GOAT 🤔

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ZenKaizer Black is included in Yudo Set 1 for Donbrothers! The other Rangers will be split into 2 boxes except for Inu Brother and ZenKaizer Black. Weapons/alt hands come with Inu Brother and glad it comes with Don Momotaro’s fan

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Day 25: Dark Sea 🐙 For this prompt I went with my illustrated of Chudo-Yudo! A beast of the seas in Slavic folklore. I'll have this illustration and many others available at the end of this month. Please let me know if one of these paintings interests you ❤#mabsdrawlloweenclub

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A drawing of my oc yudo

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I made a new oc yudo "the undermoon Prosecutor "

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Switching gears to Sentai, YUDO X2 brings Kiramei Silver, baddies and some weapons

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Деревянное чудо-юдо))(если что на ноге написано ёё имя)
Wooden miracle-Yudo)) (if that leg has her name written on it)

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Chudo Yudo, the Slavic version of a multi-headed Found in like 'Storm-Bogatyr, Ivan the Cow's Son.' This ferocious beast can assume human-like forms & has the ability to grow missing heads! Some say Chudo-Yudo is a descendent of Baba Yaga.

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湊ちゃんがね、くれた(yudo_hurssu )

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