31 Butts of December - Day 23

Simple Keiko butt poke today.

1 16



80 784


6 52

レザーブランド さんから財布をご提供頂きイラスト描かせて頂きました。

47 285

And these are up for ordering! Please check the link to reserve https://t.co/L4JOoBnHlL tysm once again ! Please RT 🔁 to help me get the word out 🥺❤️

15 40

Botan would be pushin Spirit World gadgets and treatments over tiktok

31 135

Reuploading because I forgot basically his entire leg even though it was in the sketch🤣 it’s from !

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Painting of my first anime crush, Hiei from Yu Yu Hakusho!

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Finished the bodysuit and leather jacket! Made some stylistic choices and added a collar to the bodysuit and went for a more traditional looking leather jacket!

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bbbb...bb..braid Kurama!!!

new Yu Yu Hakusho arts really feed my childhood dream~~

there's Yoko too!!! 😭😭😭😭
old arts didn't have much Yoko, but now, every official arts have him 😭😭😭😭 huuweeee~~

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