遅ればせながら…これからもYukayuyu is God...

48 242

Yukayuyu is god!👁🌸

69 181

Witcher3 AU yukayuyu

7 29

i hope that soon I will be able to use the digital board to draw
this time the painting is yukayuyu, my favorite CP
uou can make more meme with the second picture

6 25

So now I can be caught up for

So today is food and wedding. Food makes me think of Yuyuko, and I based the outfits for Yukari and Yuyuko (#YukaYuyu/#ゆかゆゆ) on their PDP outfits.

So here's Yukari just, shoving cake onto poor Yuyuko's face. She wanted to eat that.

47 181

Day 2: wedding!
(ill do more pairs than just yukayuyu i promise)

22 46


63 178

my yukayuyu piece is done! ^q^ a complete picture at last :,D

4 8

somehow managed to catch up on almost all of my spanish and i still had time to finish doing the flat coloring for this yukayuyu piece ^q^ here's my progress so far

4 7

feeling bad, here's a yukayuyu comfort doodle

3 2


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77 271

yukayuyu is GOD🌸👁

101 287