Osiem prac inuickiego artysty Qavavau Manumie w kolekcji MSN!

Prace zostały włączone do kolekcji w formie darowizny dzięki zaangażowaniu ambasador Kanady w Polsce i wsparciu filmy CGI Polska. Dziękujemy!

Więcej o artyście i pracach: https://t.co/c0RrtPSx2o

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3/4. Tzeentch.
I feel like tzeentch has the least recognizable motifs that I could turn into a mask, but it's also my least favorite of the gods so fuck em. Tzaangors are cool though.

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Hello new Arcane Cataclysm! It’s got the new Scinari Enlightener, Dawnriders, Sentinels and Bladelords for the Lumineth, and for Tzeentch, the new Curseling (NEW CURSELING!?!?!), Tzaangor Enlightened, Tzaangors and Kairic Acolytes.


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Maybe not „proud“ (because of mediocre skills 😅) but certainly most fond of:

„Enlightened“ Lord Arcanum on Karkagryph and his retinue of Tzaangal Skyfires

Especially since those were so strikingly brought to life by

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🚨Bonus Extra part 1
🥬 God Re-draw (complete drawings of this Challenge by Nfsinger Mono and Zaange)

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