finished last night, and as a hardcore fan, and i have come to the conclusion that these two would be best friends

0 4

🍀Clover Field preview
[full & 🪓 alts on Patreon]

160 278

29th January 2021

what if there were two bisexuals on the moon and one hit the other with a funyarinpa would that be fucked up or what?

4 8


F91 セシリー・フェアチャイルド

FSS エスト

ZZ エル・ビアンノ

Zガンダム ロザミア(ロザミィ)

10 54

I kinda forgot to finish this piece for a while mfgkdkf

4 2

Ah yes... the short angry and tall nerd... my favorite food

37 66