trying to make my buizels look more buizelier

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doodling characters all day errday
left is my beloved bjd-inspired character Lilibet (collab with my gm, waddup )
right is my friend's grumpy dhampir edgelord Zeliek, whom I just adore after only one session lol

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Hello! I'm Fizelie and my follower goal is 250 :3

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Helloo! I'm Fizelie and my follower goal is 250 :D

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// blood , eye contact
Hello I'm Fizelie and my follower goal is 250 :D! Some of these are "old" but still my favourite! You should also follow my moots!

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TW// Blood , eye contact
Hello I'm Fizelie and my follower goal is 240!
And for Valentines I'm just gonna draw and talk to my best friend for the whole day 0-0

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Thanks four thwis!! Hello I'm Fizelie and my follower goal is 240 :)

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Hello I'm Fizelie and I'm trying to get to 240 because I've been stuck at 230 for like a month now :D

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Hello I'm Fizelie and my follower goal is 234!

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Thank you for this! Hello I'm Fizelie and my follower goal is 235 :]

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Hello I'm Fizelie and my follower goal is 333 ^-^ and congrates on 1.7k

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Hello I'm Fizelie and my follower goal is 230 :D

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Hello I'm Fizelie and my follower goal is 230 c:

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Hello in Fizelie and my follower goal is 230 :]]!! I have no clue who I'm rooting for Im just watching whoever :D

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