In the journey to fulfill sacred obligations works as a backdrop for your characters' discovery of their bonds with the world, the unfolding of their passions, and the settling down of feelings once fleeting into the bottom of their hearts.

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If you are curious about what has in store, check out the three sample characters provided free to download in our Kickstarter page - including the core rules :)

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If you are curious about what has in store, check out the three sample characters provided free to download in our Kickstarter page - including the core rules :)

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By way of how Zephyr tokens circulate between characters and environment, conveys the idea that these two are one and the same: Windfolk are just another state of personhood of the feelings that make the world, just as mountains turn to rivers.

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In the characters need to hunt, gather, and cook in order to replenish the color tokens that make for the Constitution. This way, they secure energy for their journey, as well for evoking the sentimental bonds that will make for who they are.

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Emotional outbursts rule! In spending 3 tokens will make it so you succeed at the task at hand, establishing a new Bond that ties a concept, place, person, etc. to the feeling determined by the color combination you used.

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I illustrated every spread interior in to make the living landmass of Ophoi pop off the page in all its wondrous majesty! There's years of art and a lot of growth put in this book for you to peruse <3

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In your group needs to make sure you're well supplied of food and shelter in order to care for your Zephyr constitution. Dividing tasks and roles within the party is paramount for survival - whether you are hunting, crafting, cooking, etc.

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The Myth of Eophe is one of six legends players in interact with during character creation. In it, the figure of Eophe represents a primal creature that regards Ophoi unbound from any Obligation, and as a result, loses its face - replaced in its offspring by the masks.

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In Windfolk consider their relationship with the land and all beings as one of reciprocity in which the will of rivers, mountains and meadows is taken to account - Obligations that could be broken not only by Windfolk, but by the land itself.

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Do you have a podcast? Wanna talk about and games in general :) ? I'd love to have a conversation! Please do reach out so we can have a talk : D

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One of the most exciting subsystems for is that of gliding - allowing characters to travel a vast distance in a short period of time. However requires them to know how to ride the wind, and to use the weather and landscape to their advantage to have a safe glide.


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1 hour and a half in and we are at 15%! Thanks for y'all's support in helping me kick off the project : D

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Fulfilling Obligations in allows you to unlock fetish thread, with which you weave Patterns for your scarf. These Patterns draw power from the Bonds you have established with the world, meaning you need to choose the way you weave them wisely.

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In the seasons of the sentient landmass Ophoi are tied to its breathing - four lungs pushing the land upwards as they inhale. Streams turn to rapids as tectonic plaques heel. Mountains bow - casting huge shadows that spawn microwinters.

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In travelling across Ophoi means taking into account the way the land feels, trying to understand how its denizens take to your presence. This is why, aside from tokens being part of your Constitution, they also appear in your region.

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In about fifty or so Technologies help shape your character's skillset and their specialization as part of their Obligation-bound affinity group. These Technologies range from techniques to hunt while gliding, to giving really good hugs.

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Hunting in is not just vital to procure food: It also features an aspect of reciprocity with the world. An arrow knock is always preceded by hunters spilling their blood through the Shedding, allowing them to share in the worlds pain, hoping never to become numb to it.

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is an anarchist fantasy game of fleeting identities, in which you get to explore the back of a sentient, walking landmass in hopes of fulfilling sacred obligations to your community

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In encumberance is directly tied to how sentimentally grounded you are. While younger Windfolk, more fleeting in their moods and opinions, are lighter and quicker, older Windfolk with more established ideas can face weightier challenges.

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