Can't get this boy out of my head so I made a fake screenshot (*´◡`)💕

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F-16 Fighting Falcon (Viper)
- Likes: Helping out, making friends, and spicy food
- Hates: Dogs, doing the dishes, and cooking
- Happy and cheerful, mostly does the talking than the serious SR-71. He does it better anyway, and makes it look less scary.

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SR-71 Blackbird
-Likes: Coffee, his mustache, and the latest news
-Hates: The sound of rain, pessimistic people, wrinkled papers
-Serious and optimistic leader of the squadron. Though hard to impress, when you can get into his good side, you can be buddies.

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Design characters to help get off of reality a bit💕 My current originals are story of an incubus in search for his true love, with jet planes as human & you as an *AMT, need to keep them maintained.

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F-35 Lightning II (Panther)
Born: December 15, 2000
✅Leaving him alone in his studies, loud music, corn chips/junk food
❎Dirty and messy place
The newest member of the squadron, making him a bit timid.

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