I recently started reading about the 7 chakras in an effort to figure out why I felt so stuck. Simultaneously (and maybe a little serendipitously), I found a really cool place to take yoga classes again. It feels so good to move, even if I keep falling over.

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I took another one of Zoey’s paintings and turned it into something spooooky! 🎃

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Zoey has been painting non-stop lately. Tonight I collected all of her art and scanned it 😬 I couldn’t help but add a little extra to this bit that looked like a breeze was blowing through...

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Here’s another Mom/Zoey mashup before I dive back into other work! I hope you enjoyed these as much as I have. (I included the before image this time!)

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Zoey has started painting! 🥰🙌 I decided to scan a few of her pages and use them as backgrounds. It figures the first drawing that comes out of my brain is a sleeping girl (I should be real-life sleeping right now)!

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