HORIZONDOLLS allowed me to design a suit for Zentreya.

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MiB's are a legitimate aspect of the phenomenon. They suppressed an unknown number of sightings. I like Elizondo's panda analogy.

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Strong Guy. Art by

Project for Legendary®: Messiah Complex
Art Direction: Julio Elizondo

We are grateful for the opportunity to work with Upperdeck and for their trust in our ability to bring their vision to life.

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Thanks for let me drawing an awesome Latina Woman, White Tiger
Me drawing for MARVEL
Legendary®: Black Widow
AtDirector: Julio Elizondo
©2022 UpperDeck

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The is first time I got to draw for MARVE officially, illustration process with the awesome color of orist
Legendary®: Black Widow
AtDirector: Julio Elizondo
©2022 UpperDeck

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I want to tattoo one of my Ahegao faces on someone! Lol
Instagram: elizondo_art

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Mina Ashido from Class 1-A!

IG elizondo_art

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Bien hecho Victor zondomiza a ese gau *se la mama*

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Amaiur 1522-2022 “Memoria bat, mila kolore. Gaztelu bat, mila irudi” erakusketarako egindako ilustrazioa duzue hau! Esperientzia ederra izan da, eskerrik asko eta 🖤 Elizondoko Arizkunenean duzue ikusgai!

6 21

Hemen duzue Amaiurko gazteluari buruzko "Memoria bat, mila kolore. Gaztelu bat, mila irudi" erakusketarako egin dudan ilustrazioa. Elizondoko Arizkunenea kultur etxean egonen da ikusgai urrira arte. Ez galdu erakusketa ikusteko aukera!

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The Elizondo sisters are a group of necromancer pirates the scour the Steaming Seas for a lost treasure. Known as bone hunters by the locals, the three unholy siblings kill, steal, kidnap, and bribe to find an ancient artifact that will give them untold power over the dead!

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Sarita Elizondo viendo a su hijo y al novio de su hijo:

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