ZsaszMask chibis!! For some reason BoP has been on the brain lately. This movie is such a feel-good movie for me and I love these two dumbasses 🥰🥰

7 12

✨Art Train! ✨

Thank you for tagging me ❣😄🥰😄🥰😄🥰

I’m Isoroku😄
I sometimes draw stuff(poyopoyo)
Love Obikin and Zsaszmask💕💕💕🧔🎭

I tag🔖

2 11

✨Art Train!✨

Thank you for the tag!🥰

I'm nyamo I draw Zsaszmask mainly.
I tag
If you've already done this tag, pass me.
Thank you☺️ https://t.co/vdwJSPvtgc

6 21


1028Day4: COSTUMES


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day 3: fireworks. An explosive kiss 🥰

8 29

day 2: R.I.P. I tried to do something season-appropriately spoopy but I guess I am just in the mood for crack with these two. They would be THE MOST petty ghosts 🤣

8 26

Kitten Zsasz is attached to Roman's glove.

6 27

zsaszmask. Kitten Zsasz.

7 14

Zsaszmask. Kitten Zsasz English ver.

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6 28

Here is the promised ZsaszMask kisses!

Young Zsasz looks so soft and sweet. 🥺

10 25

Zsaszmask kiss🥰❤️❤️

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11 25

I will release Zsaszmask book at onlineshop BOOTH on 23rd of this month. Not for adults. 400yen.(+postage)
I will put the my shop URL when sales start.

6 16

I’m a little late posing my art for pride month here, but have some nice ZsaszMask content regardless~
This one took a very long time and in the end I prefer my sketch over the full render, but oh well... 🤷

7 26


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